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The Lamonese territory also shows an absolutely peculiar and distinctive cultural identity with its traditional food. The most characteristic raw products are of course the Lamon beans, in its four most common types (Spagnolit, Spagnoloe, Calonega and Canalin) and meat, in particular sheep and pork. Very typical are also the ways in which these products are processed, the result of an ancient knowledge that the locals have jealously preserved. All this makes the Lamonese cuisine a unique and inimitable experience, as will be experienced by those who want to enjoy the pleasure of tasting some of the delicacies prepared by local restaurateurs or in the food stands that animate the festivals on the plateau. It is in this context that you can more easily come across the shows of the folk group "Drio le peche", which combines the evocation of moments of daily life of the past with the proposal of original meals resulting from research and reinterpretations of tradition. If you are lucky enough to taste some of them, do not miss the wine with the barley and their very special biscuits.