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Trekking and running

With the variety of its paths the plateau is the ideal place for those who love trekking and running, particularly running in the mountains. The itineraries have different difficulties, but all of them are characterized by the combination of naturalistic and landscape beauty with anthropic and historical elements. What makes them really special, however, is that, despite their beauty, these routes are not known to the wider public; walking them therefore allows you to enjoy the rare emotion of silence and solitude.

However, there is no lack of opportunities for lovers of challenge, just remember the Claudia Augusta Trail: an event born in the seventies and that in recent seasons has found new vitality thanks to the joint commitment of the associations of the territory and the Pro Loco of Lamon. From the 18 km trail for 1000 m of altitude difference to the non-competitive 6 km trail for families, the event leads the athletes to the discovery of breathtaking views and places of great charm due to the testimonies of Roman age still visible. A unique opportunity to run... on the roads of great history! For the more experienced there is also a 34 km route, with 1,800 m of elevation gain, which also reaches the Cresta della Mezzaluna on Mount Coppolo.

Paths and trails