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Runners' Ring

Departure/arrival: Bivio della Vallina (from Piazza III Novembre, beyond the Duomo)
It is a flat path between the residential area of the main town and the countryside, mostly cultivated with Lamon beans. Suitable for children and families with buggies, the circuit is also popular among lovers of running, both for the ease of access and for the variety of landscapes that it offers.
Leaving from the main square of the town, you'll walk along the Cathedral passing by the "Casel" (dairy) of Lamon. After a few hundred meters through the town centre, the route continues in the area of the fields, among asphalted roads, unpaved roads and flat paths up to the sports ground and the camper area. From here the route rejoins the square through streets and footpaths that cross the northern part of the plateau.

Route: E3

 3,3 km
 (D+): 20 mt - (D-): 20 mt
 E Suitable for children; passable with pets