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visit lamon - feltre

"Small city of great men": this is an ancient motto and such is really this urban center that flanks the modern city, with its streets with  shops, a precious Renaissance village. 

The city, already municipium in Roman times as testified by the archaeological artifacts preserved in the underground archaeological area that can be visited near the Cathedral of Feltre, between 1509 and 1510 was in fact completely destroyed during the conflict that opposed the Empire of Maximilian I of Hapsburg to the Serenissima Republic of Venice. After these events, the city rose again under the government of the Serenissima that dominated it since 1404.

Today Feltre is one of the most beautiful and best preserved villages in northern Italy.

Via Mezzaterra and Via Paradiso, the two most well known streets of the historical centre, are characterized by the precious frescoed facades of the buildings that flank them. Piazza Maggiore, the ancient Platea Magna, hosts among its treasures the Alboino Castle, with its recently restored clock tower, and the magnificent De La Sena Theatre: a small architectural treasure also called the Piccola Fenice, "Little Phoenix", in honour of the famous Venetian theatre. Like the Fenice it was in fact internally planned by Gianantonio Selva and decorated by Tranquillo Orsi, of which, since December 2019, the only curtain still existing  can also be seen.