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The other districts

the other district: hamlets and itineraries

The entire Lamonese territory is dotted with characteristic hamlets and villages, many of which are still inhabited and which narratethe story of a mountainous area affected by isolation and difficulties in communication with the external areas. This helps to explain how Lamon and its territory have developed an absolutely original and distinctive culture and dialect.

The villages and hamlets were united by a proper network of paths, some of which have been partially restored and are now easily accessible. Exploring them gives you the opportunity to discover anthropic vestiges of great interest, as well as the possibility to enjoy the magnificent beauty of spectacular natural scenery.

Among the hamlets we can mention in particular Resenterra, Maschi, Furianoi, Coldebella, Crosere, Chiappini, Brodi, Costa, Valnuvola Le Ei... But the list could continue, because the whole territory of Lamon is scattered with small settlements and precious examples of ancient civilizations that are well worth a visit.