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San Donato

san donato: hamlets and itineraries

Lying on the mountain slopes of Monte Coppolo, 900 m. above sea level and 9 km from the town, San Donato marks the extreme western limit of the municipal territory.

The heart of the hamlet is represented by the church having the same name, which has ancient frescoes and valuable works of art including the crucifix and the wooden altar by Antonio Bottegal, a native of this small town.

From the village start paths and itineraries of different difficulty that offer views of great beauty and charm and allow the discovery of a territory rich in history since Roman times. Just think that here (in the village of Piasentot) since the year 2000 a necropolis has been found, from which the precious artifacts now exhibited in the Civic Archaeological Museum of Lamon come from.

A crossing point of the Via Claudia Augusta Altinate, San Donato was the site of a number of other extremely valuable findings. Among them is the Goblet of the Deacon Bear, found in 1836 and now on view at the Diocesan Museum of Sacred Art in Feltre: a silver artifact from the sixth century AD, considered the oldest Eucharistic chalice in the entire Occident.