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lamon: hamlets and itineraries

Chief town and political and cultural center of a wide territory of more than 54 square kilometers, located at the extreme western end of Feltre's territory, Lamon extends at an altitude of 600 meters on a wide terrace of alluvial origin.

About half of the current inhabitants of the municipality live in the village, scattered for the rest in about twenty communities. Known above all as "Paese del fagiolo" ( Country of the bean), a real delicacy in the varieties cultivated here according to strict regulations, Lamon has very ancient origins.

The entire territory has been populated since prehistoric times, when the ancient Lamonesi had to live with animals such as the Ursus Spelaeus whose rests can be seen in the Town Hall. 

Gradually Romanized and crossed by the important Via Claudia Augusta Altinate, Lamon became in the eleventh century  a parish church and was dedicated to St. Peter. The precious frescoed Church that stands on the hill of the same name, built after the 8th century on late Roman remains, is dedicated to the Head of the Apostles.

The liveliness of the small community, witnessed by the Rule of 1330, found expression also in later architectural works such as the imposing seventeenth-century church of San Daniele, now deconsecrated and home to exhibitions and shows, and the impressive Duomo.