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lamon-the senaiga

For the locals it is simply "La Senaiga": a large double arch dam, 62 meters high and built between 1949 and 1951 in the territory of Lamon, on the border with the Province of Trento.

The project was carried out by Carlo Semenza, known to most for being the engineer who designed the Vajont dam: a structure so solid that it remained intact despite the Monte Toc landslide that on 9 October 1963 caused the destruction of the town of Longarone and its nearby hamlets.

Here the dam has allowed the creation of a suggestive artificial basin, built for the hydroelectric use of the waters of the homonymous stream affluent of the Cismon.

The pedestrian walkway suspended over the lake is worth a visit: for those who can resist the thrill of altitude, the emotion of walking along it gives the view of a breathtaking view.  There will be many points of interest for nature lovers. In this context, we would like to mention the numerous examples of Mallards and Grey Heron which are clearly visible on the waters of the lake and in its immediate proximity.